November 4, 2020

Kaida: Protection's Price - 02

Kaida | Dubcon | Lesbian | Furry
Kaida: Protection's Price - 02

In our lives, sometimes one decision, or in this case, one mistake, changes everything. Looking back, I bless the goddess for that blunder. Without it, even if I had escaped, my life would have been so much less.

A few minutes after leaving the dragon's lair behind, I rounded a corner and was ambushed by four of the duke's men. Before I noticed they were there, a cold iron slave collar had been snapped around my neck.

I pulled free and tried to run.

"Stop!" shouted a voice from behind me, and to my horror, my body obeyed. By the gods, it was an enchanted slave collar! I waited. Unmoving. Trembling with terror for what seemed the hundredth time since I spurned the duke.

They spoke as if I didn't exist.

"Pretty little thing, isn't she?" said the youngest looking one.

The older man next to him said, "Yeah. A fiery little redhead. She'd be perfect if her breasts were bigger. Ask if she's a virgin. He gets virgins first, but we can fuck anyone else all we want. The duke doesn't care, as long as she isn't damaged until he's had his fun."

My blood froze. Evil rapist bastards, all of them.

"Hey, redhead, are you a virgin?"

My mouth moved of its own accord. "Yes."

"Damn. Well, no fucking then. That's a shame. She'll be a lot less pretty when the count finishes playing with her."

"Eh. I prefer waiting. She'll be very obedient by then, and I can be as rough as I want, and she'll take it without complaint." He had a nasty scar across his cheek.

Fuck this!

"Dragon!" I shouted, "A bargain! I'm yours, for the rest of my life, if you kill these men and save me from the duke!"

"Trying to scare us, little girl?" said the scarred one.

"Bargain struck!" roared the dragon.

They drew swords and turned to face where I had come from. Shock and fear on every face, and in every movement.

My lips twisted into a sardonic smile. "Why yes, I'm trying to scare you. Is it working?"

They ignored me and watched for danger.

"A dragon couldn't fit through the cave. It must be an illusion. Remember, she's a student of the Acadamy."

Nervously, we all waited. I wasn't sure what the dragon would do, but dragons did follow their own cold code of honor. It had agreed. Therefore it would honor its side of the bargain.

A beautiful woman prowled around the corner, moving with absolute confidence.

She was completely naked!

Eyes bulging, I stared. She was magnificent. There was a predatory grace about the way she moved, a terrible fascination that pulled on something deep inside my soul. Taller than most men. She would tower over me, and I found the idea strangely appealing. Her skin was pale, and bat-like wings flexed behind her. Two small black horns curved from the side of her head, and a long thin tail twitched behind her. Her ears were delicately pointed. She had silver eyes with slitted pupils, like a cat, or I suddenly realized, like a dragon.

And she was completely naked! Not a scrap of clothing! Nothing at all! Did I already mention that?

Black lips curved into an amused smile when she caught me staring.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the words died unspoken as the reality caught up with me. She was a female dragon and didn't seem to care that I was another woman. What would she do to me? We don't exactly have matching parts down there. Well, they did match, that was the problem.

Two locks instead of a lock and key.

My thoughts were interrupted when she lunged forward, moving like liquid lightning, a blur that I couldn't quite follow. Moments later, when she came to a stop right in front of me, each of her clawed hands held a bloody chunk of meat. Two dying men clutched at mangled and bloody throats, gurgling their last few breaths.

They were already as good as dead.

She was so close. If my feet weren't glued to the floor by the enchanted slave collar, I would have fled. Until her eyes trapped mine.

I froze, not from the enchantment, but because I drowned in her silver eyes. Without breaking eye contact, her long tail whipped around a throat and constricted sharply, popping his head off.

She casually swallowed both chunks of raw flesh that she had torn from their throats.

She began to eat them!

I fainted.

Kaida: Protection’s Price - 03
In the dark, I awoke. Confused and uncertain, I rolled onto my side. The groundshifted strangely. It felt like I was lying on smooth stones that slid andclinked against each other every time I moved. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up. Icouldn’t see anything. What was wrong with my eyes? A snake suddenl…