Breaking Elizabeth - 03
The Sadistic Squad | Elizabeth | Noncon | Mind Break | Piercing | Lesbian
“Strip. Leave your clothes stacked in a neat pile against the fence. Shoes on top.”
Shivering in the cold night air, I complied. Fear drove away all thoughts of modesty. Is she about to kill me? It seemed unlikely, but why else would we be here. All us locals know how dangerous this inlet is. Swimming was forbidden. By law. The beach was closed for a quarter mile on either side of the channel. No one could see us. Not at night. Unless she turns on a light.
Is she going to kill me and let the ocean take care of the evidence?
“Wait here.”
She unlocked the padlock barring the gate and opened it wide. Danielle hauled back and threw the lock far out into the inlet.
“After I land, close the gate, and walk to the shore.”
Danielle jogged down the paved road. After a bit, she stopped and stretched. I waited nervously. Legs pumping like pistons, she rushed past me. Danielle jumped as she crossed the fence line. She cleared at least twenty feet of dry sand before her feet touched down.
How did she do that?
The gate closed behind me, as naked as the day I was born, I crossed dry sand. I walked to shore. Past the line of seaweed and onto the wet sand that had been underwater a few hours ago. Must be low tide. Even with the full moon shining bright again. From the rippling current, the flow was at its strongest.
Deceptively deadly.
People died on this beach. It only took a heartbeat for the invisible undertow to pull you under and carry you out to sea. To your death.
When I started to cover myself. Danielle stopped me with a look. Fists clenched; my hands fell back to my sides. She unzipped a duffle bag, and pulled out a few things, dropping them onto the sand next to her. Danielle stripped her clothes off and stuffed them inside.
“Come here,” she said, picking up one of the items she pulled from the bag. A ball gag. I licked my lips nervously. Danielle pushed it into my open mouth and buckled it into place.
I didn’t dare resist.
Danielle put on a life jacket, connecting four snaps around her body. She picked up the last two items. A harness she strapped around her waist. A large dildo. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Heart pounding in my chest, my breath came faster and faster. Using both hands, she snapped the dildo into place.
Danielle posed.
Shoulders hunched, I cowered back. Rape. That’s what would happen next. A muffled whimper escaped around the ball gag. Stalking closer, Danielle grabbed a handful of my hair. She twisted roughly, forcing my head back. Warm and wet, her tongue licked across my cheek.
“If you drown,” she hissed into my ear, “I’m going to kill them.”
Danielle twisted like a martial artist, tossing me into the ocean. Staggering back in knee-deep water, I tripped. Flailing madly, I went under. Dark water closed over my head. Fear clawed at my throat. I thrashed in the water, caught my footing, and started to climb back to my feet. The current pressed against me, churning around my toes, eating the sand away. I fell back to my knees, almost going back under. If I couldn't escape, I'd end up far out at sea! I struggled towards the shore, clawing at the sand. It was just a couple feet away.
A heavy weight crashed into my back, and I went down again. Headfirst into the water.
Water surged around me. Hands wrapped around my neck. Holding me down. Under the waves. Face ground into the eroding sand. My mind screamed with raw panic. The water deafened me, made everything seem unreal. Only the rushing of water and the pounding of the surf could be heard. Bracing my hands, legs splayed for balance, I shoved back against the weight drowning me. It shifted but didn’t yield.
Not even for a second.
Mindlessly, I struggled, blinded by the water. The weight holding me down was relentless. Unbreakable. My heart hammered like a jackhammer. I’m going to die! Weight shifted along my back. My stance widened. With one savage thrust shoved something deep into my vagina, filling it completely. White-hot pain flared. Her strapon. Danielle’s strapon. That’s what’s happening! She’s raping me to death! And then she’s going to kill them!
Thunder crashed. Wind howled. From high above, through wind and pouring rain, a boulder slammed into my back, spiderwebs of cracks raced up my spine, splintering through my skull. Burrowing deep into my mind. Lightning flashed down, shattering one crystal arm at the elbow. Shards washed away, carried by sheets of rain. Blown by wailing wind.
Underneath the pain. Perhaps melded to the pain. Heat built. What I felt when masturbated had been pleasant. A fireplace to warm the soul. This was much less. Just an ember. But... This little ember was underneath a mountain of firewood. A bonfire in the making.
Danielle moved against me. Powerful hands gripped my throat. Jerked me up out of the ocean. Back arched, I was trapped against her chest.
Air! Blessed air! Around the gag, and through my nose, I took great ragged breaths. Fast and frantic.
Begging. Screaming. Crying.
They required air I couldn’t spare.
Over the crashing of the waves, I couldn’t hear my own gasping breaths. Danielle thrust savagely, pounding against my butt like a jackhammer. Each thrust slamming the strapon against my cervix.
It no longer mattered that I didn’t have enough air. I screamed anyway. Into the ball gag. Long and ragged. Wailing like a baby.
Danielle’s free hand slapped down between my legs with every thrust. I writhed against her. With agony. With building heat. Her moans of pleasure made my fists clench in rage. She could have ordered me to lay down on the beach and spread my legs. As horrible as that would have been, she had chosen something else. Deliberately, Danielle had made sure this would be far worse than simple rape. Half drowning me in the ocean. Making me think I was about to die. That my family would die. My pain. My terror.
All for her twisted pleasure.
She released my throat, and the dildo pulled free of my pussy. Rough hands spun me around. Danielle reached into the water and came up with a handful of dirty sand. Her left hand latched onto my neck. I couldn’t pull away. Her right hand, still full of sand, cupped my pussy. She forced fingers into my vagina, shoving sand inside.
Wailing. Crying. I begged for mercy.
She released me.
Hope bloomed.
Along with a sliver of regret.
Danielle snatched a double handful of my bust. One in each clawed hand. She twisted my breasts painfully. Distractingly. One leg hooked between mine, and she shoved me back. Tripping me. Windmilling my arms, I started to fall. She moved with me, riding me down. Surging water closed over my head. Her weight came down. Slamming the strapon hilt deep into my pussy. Leaving a trail of sand along my channel.
Through the water, I watched the moon. So beautiful and full. Danielle began to thrust. A building rhythm. Sand ground against my most sensitive flesh. Trapped between the unyielding surface of her strapon, and the walls of my spasming pussy.
Full and bright, far from the cruelty of humankind, the moon shone down upon my brutal rape. Copernicus crater, a white spot amid the dark of the celestial seas. The oceans of the moon.
Raw flesh, cruel sand. Each thrust Danielle made, hurt worse than the previous. She didn’t slow.
From beneath the waves, I couldn’t make out details, but I knew what they were. Dark areas on the surface of the moon. The Sea of Showers. The Sea of Storms.
How long had it been since my last breath? Hours? Days? My vision darkened and filled with static. The world tunneled down to a single point. Pain. Pleasure. What difference did it make? Sand against pussy. Friction. Building heat that approached critical mass. Danielle spasmed. Thrusts becoming erratic. Still hard. Rough. Agonizing.
Danielle’s fingers dug savagely into my breasts. Overwhelming strength. I was helpless to resist her. Using her grip on my breasts, Danielle snatched me back up out of the water. Above the sound of pounding surf came her moans of pleasure. Every nerve in my body was an empty channel that she flooded with rapturous agony. Danielle clung to me. I clung to Danielle.
We writhed in ecstasy.
My parted lips pressed against hers. Tentatively, my tongue probed. Wordlessly pleading for her lips to part. They parted, and her tongue met mine. They danced and twirled around each other. Rapture. Shame. Ecstasy beyond words. Despair beyond measure. My mind shut down, and my body collapsed against her.
Exhausted and drained. Breathing hard, we held each other for a long while. Until our limbs stopped trembling. Until our breathing was slow and deep. Danielle reached out, retrieving her duffle bag. She slung it across her back, on top of the life jacket she still wore.
Danielle shifted her grip. One arm clamped against my lower back, pinning us together, while the other braced against the ground. Danielle surged to her feet, lifting me into the air, her long strapon still buried deep in my raw pussy. Screaming through the ball gag, I writhed amidst her muffled laughter. She moved deeper into the water. With every step she took, every move she made, sent jagged shards of pain surged through my pussy.
The current pushed against us, and Danielle settled into the water. The current carried us away. I clung onto Danielle for dear life. Heart pounding, I twisted around and stared into the dark swirling water around us. A rope I hadn’t realized was there arced through the water. Connecting the back of her life jacket to the far side of the inlet. I released a ragged breath, closed my eyes. Nestled against her neck. Weeping in quiet relief.
We weren’t going to be lost at sea.
Moving swiftly in the current, we drifted along in silence. Slowly, I began to relax, coming back to myself. Danielle, as painfully cruel as always, still filled my raw pussy with her strapon. Stuffed and burning. I shuddered in her arms. That orgasm had been like nothing I’d ever imagined. If only it had been with someone else... Anyone else.