Breaking Elizabeth - 01
The Sadistic Squad | Elizabeth | Lesbian | Mind Break | Piercing | Noncon
A sadistic lesbian now controls my life. My pain arouses her. In her eyes, I'm less than an animal. I'm just a toy. A living sex doll. There is no hope. No escape. Yet, I must endure.
What happens when Elizabeth's mind is pushed beyond its limits? When she's driven past sanity?
When utter submission becomes her only defense...
The sharp fall wind blew up under my skirt. Danielle’s disgusting panties, drenched with her perverted lust, clung to my flesh. Clammy and cold. The tart tang from their time in my mouth still clung to my palate. A taste I couldn’t escape. Her drying cum coated my face. An overwhelming stench that overrode every other scent.
I hadn’t been allowed to clean myself after she humped my face.
Staring down at the driver’s seat, I took a deep breath. My rear already aches, filled by the butt plug she stuffed inside. I expected sitting to be extremely unpleasant, so I lowered myself gently. It didn’t hurt. Uncomfortable, full to bursting, but not painful.
I nearly sobbed with relief.
Everything is a constant reminder of the nightmare my life has become. I can’t forget what she has the power to do, not even for a moment. Pushed beyond my limits, my emotions riding the ragged edge, I forced myself to go on. How could I possibly reconcile my cherished past with this horrible new future?
Driving cautiously, I stayed safely under the speed limit. Since she took my purse with her, I didn’t have a cell phone or driver's license. My next stop would be the police station. I wasn’t on my way there to tell them I had been raped, nor would I ask for protection. Danielle sent me here to report my purse stolen by a non-existent male teenager.
Why file a false report? What do they gain? Her reasoning escapes me. She’s obviously sick. Both are sick. Twisted and broken inside. But every step had been carefully planned. Nothing had been left to chance.
Shooting my father and sister with puke green paintballs had been their way of proving that they could kill them anytime they wanted. Carla’s video call, where she showed me her sniper rifle, had been further proof that she was ready and willing to execute them if I didn’t obey.
My life for theirs, that was what everything boiled down to.
Wiping my blurring eyes with the back of my hand, I parked at the Police Station. I closed my eyes and used a technique my fine art teacher suggested. Control. I had to maintain control, or they would die.
In my mind’s eye, I pictured a beautiful crystal statue of myself. Perfect in every way. Except, this version of myself was from before this nightmare began. She didn’t feel small and scared. She wasn’t helpless. She was powerful and resolute. Confidant. Ready to face the world!
When I stepped upon the stage, SHE was who I would become for the audience.
Except… Even here, I couldn’t imagine the peace I once enjoyed. My statue stood inside the eye of a monstrous tornado, fueled by helpless rage. Within the deadly wall of wind, immense boulders swirled past with blinding speed.
My statue should have been perfect… But the crystal statue was no longer clean and pure. Puke green slime mold grew upon its crystal face, and its crotch was also coated with another thick layer of that same puke green slime. My statue’s posture should have been regal, but her stance was wide and awkward, as though she also had a butt plug shoved up her rear.
As I focused on the statue of myself, I slowly regained a measure of control. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do. I hurried inside the station. My skin crawled with the certainty that all eyes were watching me. Judging me. If only I had been allowed to clean my face. Danielle’s stink was all I could smell. Could they smell her on me? Did the way I walked reveal that she had shoved a butt plug up my rear?
Flushing with intense embarrassment, I waited in line. Staring at the floor. Ignoring the tears running down my cheeks. After a short wait, I talked to an officer who gave me the paperwork I needed to fill out. Before I finished, a kind police officer offered the use of her office, so I could finish in privacy.
“I have a private bathroom you can use,” said Officer Jane, “Washing up after I’ve had a good cry always makes me feel better.”
God, it was so tempting. No one would know but me and Office Jane. Even though I didn’t see how Danielle could possibly find out if I disobeyed her orders. Washing up before filling out their paperwork wasn't worth the risk.
“Thank you,” I said, “but not until I finish filling this out.”
She shrugged, “That’s up to you.”
I filled out the report. I wasn’t sure how to answer some of the questions, but she was happy to help. Officer Jane said she would investigate it personally. She warned me that there was little chance of seeing my purse or anything in again. Paperwork finished, I rushed into her bathroom, feeling a bit guilty for deceiving her.
Danielle said I could clean myself at the point, but what did that mean? Using soap and water, I scrubbed my face clean. Could I rinse out my mouth? Take off these damnable wet panties? I'd willingly go without, if that was an option! Even if they hadn't been soaked in her most intimate liquid. She had ordered me not to drink. Would she see rinsing out my mouth as disobedience? Damn it. I couldn’t take the chance.
A great wracking sob tore from my lips. Crying loudly, I collapsed to the floor. After a few minutes, she knocked timidly at the door.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” I said, forcing my emotions back under control. After rewashing my face, I opened the door. A concerned Officer Jane took me in her arms and held me tight.
Like a friend.
Office Jane's comforting touch shattered my control.
From the tornado twisting around my crystal status, a bolder suddenly smashed down. A spider web of hairline cracks exploding from the impact point.
I held onto her as though my life depended on it. Sobbing wordlessly into her shoulder, I wept for the life I no longer controlled. In bitter helplessness, I cried for the family who would never know what I sacrificed for them. Their ignorance is a mixed blessing for all of us.
Eventually, the tears stopped. Office Jane kept asking for me to tell her what was wrong. She obviously didn’t believe that I was this upset about my purse being stolen. I made excuses and hurried back to my car as quickly as I could.
Telling her the truth had been far too tempting.
But nothing had really changed. If I don’t keep Danielle happy, Carla and her sniper rifle will kill them. What could Office Jane do? Even if she found and captured Danielle, it would be my word against hers. Proving we had sex would have been simple. Confirming that she raped me would have been far harder. Proving that she threatened my family was impossible.
Even if everything went perfectly, and Danielle ended up behind bars, they wouldn’t be safe. Carla would still be free, and she was the one with the sniper rifle. All I knew about Carla was her name, assuming even that was real. What did she look like? Where was she? I didn’t know. Yesterday, she had targeted them at the mall. Earlier today, she had been in a house down the street. Now? She could be anywhere.